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Wednesday, 03 July 2024


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Những tài liệu này thuộc quyền sở hữu của Trường Thánh Tôma Thiện. Khi sử dụng, quý vị đồng ý chỉ sử dụng trong việc giáo dục, không sử dụng cho việc kinh doanh dưới bất cứ hình thức nào. Quý vị cũng đồng ý sẽ không sao chép, thay đổi nội dung hoặc phân phối nếu chưa có sự chấp thuận của trường.

Nếu quý vị thấy tài liệu này hữu ích trong công việc giáo dục các em, xin giúp chúng tôi trang trải chi phí cho việc biên soạn để chúng tôi có thể tiếp tục cung cấp các tài liệu miễn phí trong tương lai. Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị.


Peter Louis Mary Chanel was born at Cluet, Belley in France. From the time he was seven, he took care of his father’s sheep. He was poor but intelligent and loved God and his Catholic faith.

One day, a good parish priest met him and was so impressed by Peter that he asked Peter’s parents if he could educate the boy. They gratefully agreed and in this priest’s little school, and later in the seminary, Peter studied hard.

At the age of twenty-four Peter Chanel became a priest and he was sent to a parish at Corzet where just a few Catholics still practiced their faith. Father Chanel spent hours in prayer each day and was kind and patient with everyone. Within three years there was a big improvement in that parish. Many people became full of love for Jesus and his Church again.

Father Chanel had a great wish to become a missionary. When he was twenty-eight, he joined a religious order called the Society of Mary (Marist Fathers). He hoped he would be sent to bring the Good News of Jesus to people who did not yet believe in God. After a few years, his wish came true.

He and a group of Marist missionaries were sent to the islands of the South Pacific, Oceania. Father Chanel and one brother were assigned to the island of Futuna in New Hebrides. There the people happily listened to Father Chanel preach. “This man loves us,” one man said. “And he himself practices what he teaches us to do.”

Sadly though, the chief of this tribe became jealous because the priest had so many followers. When the chief’s own son was baptized and became a Christian, he was furious. He sent a band of his warriors to kill the missionary.

As Peter Chanel lay dying, all he said was, “It is well with me.” He was killed on April 28, 1841 for his faith. A short while after he died a martyr, the whole island became Christian.


This holy pope was born at Bosco in Italy to noble Italian parents. He was baptized Anthony Ghislieri. Because his family lost their wealth and became poor, his parents had no money to send him to school.

It seemed as though Anthony’s dream to become a priest, would never come true. Then one day, two Dominican priests visited their home and met Anthony. They liked him so much that they offered to educate him.

Anthony received an excellent education. He also became very pious and holy. So at the age of fourteen, Anthony joined the Dominican order. That is when he took the name “Michael.” He finally became a priest, and was appointed a teacher of philosophy and divinity (religion) in Genoa.

He traveled for sixteen years to the many Dominican houses teaching them how to live for God. Then he was made bishop and later a cardinal. He continued teaching his people how to live a holy life by his words and example.

He bravely defended the teachings of the Church against those who fought against them. He lived a life of penance and sacrifice. When he was sixty-one, he was chosen pope and took the name Pope Pius V.

He had once been a poor shepherd boy. Now he was the head of the whole Catholic Church. Yet he remained as humble as ever and still wore his white Dominican habit, the same old one he had always worn. No one could make him change it.

As pope, Pius V had many challenges to face, he drew strength from the crucifix. He reflected every day on the sufferings and death of Jesus. At this time, the Turks were trying to conquer and take over the whole Christian world. They had a great navy on the Mediterranean Sea.

Christian soldiers went to battle against them at a place called Lepanto, near Greece. From the moment the army set out, the pope prayed the Rosary and asked the people to do the same. Thanks to the help of the Blessed Mother, the Christians won a great victory. In gratitude and thanksgiving to Mary, St. Pius V established the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary which we celebrate each year on October 7.

As pope, he started many new seminaries (colleges for priests) and wrote many church documents to guide the people. He spent much time looking after the poor with money from the church wealth and building hospitals for the sick. Pope Pius V died in Rome on May 1, 1572.


Catherine was born at Siena, Tuscany in Italy. Catherine was the youngest in a family of twenty-five children. When she was six years old Jesus appeared and blessed her. Her mother and father wanted her to be happily married. But, Catherine wished only to be a nun.

To make herself as unattractive as possible, she cut off her long, beautiful hair. Her parents were very upset and scolded her often. They also gave her the most difficult housework to do. But Catherine did not change her mind. Finally, her parents stopped bothering her and allowed her to become a nun.

St. Catherine was very honest and straightforward with Jesus and scolded him when he was not around to help her in her struggles and temptations. Jesus told her that because he was in her heart she was able to win her struggles by his grace.

One night when the people of Siena were out on the streets celebrating. The little baby Jesus and his mother Mary appeared to Catherine who was praying alone in her room. Mary took Catherine’s hand and the infant Jesus put a ring on the saint’s finger and she became his bride.

In those days the Church had many problems. There were fights going on all over Italy. Catherine wrote letters to kings and queens. She even went to beg rulers to make peace with the pope and to avoid wars.

Catherine asked the pope to leave Avignon, France, and return to Rome to rule the Church as it was God’s will. He listened to St. Catherine and did as she said.

Catherine never forgot that Jesus was in her heart. Through her, Jesus helped the sick people she nursed and comforted the prisoners she visited in jail.

This great saint died in Rome in 1380 when she was just thirty-three. She is the patroness of Italy, her country. Hundreds of years later St. Catherine was named a Doctor of the Church. She received this great honor because she served Jesus’ Church boldly during her short lifetime.


St. Joseph is a very important saint. He is the husband of the Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. This is the second feast of St. Joseph the Church celebrates, the first falling on March 19.

The bible says very little about St. Joseph and does not contain even one word spoken by this carpenter of Nazareth. But even without words, he shows how deep his faith was, in this we see his greatness. > Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit. He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words, but because he listens, in silence, to the words of the Living God.

Today we celebrate his witness of hard work. He was a carpenter who worked many hours a day and the little boy Jesus would help his dad in the small shop. St. Joseph teaches us that any work we do is important. Through it we do our part to serve our family and society.

But even more than that, as Christians we understand that our work is like a mirror of ourselves. It shows what kind of people we are, that is why we want our work to be done with care.

Many countries have one day every year to show their respect for workers. This helps people to see how good it is to work to make this world a better place. In 1955, the Church has given us a wonderful model of work, St. Joseph the worker.

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