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Wednesday, 03 July 2024


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Những tài liệu này thuộc quyền sở hữu của Trường Thánh Tôma Thiện. Khi sử dụng, quý vị đồng ý chỉ sử dụng trong việc giáo dục, không sử dụng cho việc kinh doanh dưới bất cứ hình thức nào. Quý vị cũng đồng ý sẽ không sao chép, thay đổi nội dung hoặc phân phối nếu chưa có sự chấp thuận của trường.

Nếu quý vị thấy tài liệu này hữu ích trong công việc giáo dục các em, xin giúp chúng tôi trang trải chi phí cho việc biên soạn để chúng tôi có thể tiếp tục cung cấp các tài liệu miễn phí trong tương lai. Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị.


Vincent, was born in a town in Southwest France and was the son of poor French peasants. Today the town is called Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Landes, France.

When he grew up and became famous, he loved to tell people how he had taken care of his father’s pigs. Because he was intelligent, his father sent him to school to study under the Franciscan friars at Acqs. And after finishing his studies from the University of Toulouse, Vincent became a priest at the age of 20.

At first, he was given an important position as the teacher of rich children, and he lived rather comfortably. But while he was traveling by sea from one city to another, he fell into the hands of Turkish pirates who sold him as a slave in Tunis.

Two years later after he was finally set free by one of his owners, who he converted to Christianity, he returned to France where he served as a parish priest.

Then one day, he was called to the side of a dying peasant. In front of many people, this man declared that all his past confessions had been bad ones.

Suddenly Father Vincent realized how badly the poor people of France needed spiritual help. When he began to preach to them, crowds went to confession. He finally decided to start a congregation of priests to work especially among the poor.

The charities of St. Vincent de Paul were so many that it seems impossible for one person to have begun so much.

· He took care of criminals who worked on the sailing ships

· He started the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity

· He opened hospitals and homes for orphans and old people

· He collected large sums of money for poor areas

· He sent missionaries to many countries

· and bought back prisoners from the Mohammedans

Even though he was such a charitable man, however, he humbly admitted that he was not so by nature. “I would have been hard, rough and ill-tempered,” he said “were it not for God’s grace.”

“It is not sufficient for me to love God if I do not love my neighbor. I belong to God and to the poor.” Vincent de Paul died in Paris on September 27, 1660.


Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are called “saints” because they are holy. But they are different from the rest of the saints because they were not human but spirits.

They are angels and the word “angel” means Messenger of God. Angels who deliver messages of lesser importance are just called Angels; and those who proclaim important messages are called Archangels. They are our protectors and we know something about each of the three Archangels from the Bible.

Michael’s name means “who is like God?” St. Michael is mentioned in three books of the Bible: Daniel, Revelation and the Letter of Jude. In the book of Revelation or the Apocalypse, chapter 12:7-9, we read of a great war that went on in heaven.

Michael and his angels battled with Satan (or the fallen angel Lucifer). Michael who was the leader of God’s army became the champion of loyalty to God.

We can ask St. Michael to make us strong in our love for Jesus and in our practice of the Catholic religion.

Gabriel’s name means “the power of God.” He is mentioned in the book of Daniel and more importantly in Luke’s Gospel.

This archangel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of our Savior. Gabriel announced to Zechariah that he and St. Elizabeth would have a son and call him John.

Gabriel is the announcer, the communicator of the Good News. We can ask him to help us be good communicators as he was.

Raphael’s name means “God has healed.” We read the touching story of Raphael’s role in the Bible’s book of Tobit. He was also the Angel mentioned in John 5:1-4 as the power behind the healing at the sheep pool.

He brought protection and healing to the blind Tobit. At the very end of the journey, when all was completed, Raphael revealed his true identity. He called himself one of the seven who stands before God’s throne.


Today we celebrate the feast of St. Lawrence Ruiz, from the Philippines and his fifteen companions.

Born in Manila, in the Philippines, St. Lorenzo was the father of a family. He left his wife and children to join a few Dominican priests, brothers and lay volunteers who were going on a mission to Japan to preach the Gospel.

The group had nine Dominican priests, two brothers, two single lay women, and three other lay persons. All the people on the group were in some way connected with the Dominican order and were missionaries who had originally come from five nations - France, Italy, Japan, the Philippines and Spain.

When the persecution started they all chose to die rather than give up their faith in Jesus. These martyrs suffered greatly before they died, but despite their trials they would not give up their Catholic religion and remained faithful until the end.

St. Lawrence Ruiz told his judges that if he had a thousand lives to give for Christ, he would.

These sixteen martyrs were killed for their faith in 1637, in Nagasaki, Japan. What a wonderful reminder they are that the Church reaches out to the whole world.

This group of heroes was proclaimed saints by Pope John Paul II in1987.


Jerome was a Roman Catholic who was born at Stido, Dalmatia. His father taught him his religion well, but sent him to a famous pagan school where Jerome grew to love pagan writings and lost some of his love for God.

Then he became great friends with a group of holy Christians, and his heart was turned completely to God.

Later, this brilliant young man decided to live alone in a wild desert. He was afraid that his love for pagan writings would lead him away from the love of God. He welcomed the hard penance and the burning hot desert.

But even there, he suffered terrible temptations. Jerome did not give in, however. Instead he increased his acts of penance and wept for his sins. He also went to study Hebrew with a monk as his teacher.

He did this to get rid of the bad thoughts that kept attacking his mind. He became such a great scholar of Hebrew that he could later translate the Bible into Latin. Many more people were then able to read, learn and enjoy it.

St. Jerome spent long years of his life in a little cave at Bethlehem, where Jesus had been born. There he prayed, studied the Bible, and taught many people how to serve God. He wrote many letters and even books to protect the faith from non-believers.

St. Jerome had a bad temper, and because of his sharp tongue he made many enemies. Yet he was a very holy man who spent his life trying to serve Jesus in the best way he could. And so, despite his temper, he became a great saint. He died in 419 or 420.

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