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Tuesday, 02 July 2024


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Những tài liệu này thuộc quyền sở hữu của Trường Thánh Tôma Thiện. Khi sử dụng, quý vị đồng ý chỉ sử dụng trong việc giáo dục, không sử dụng cho việc kinh doanh dưới bất cứ hình thức nào. Quý vị cũng đồng ý sẽ không sao chép, thay đổi nội dung hoặc phân phối nếu chưa có sự chấp thuận của trường.

Nếu quý vị thấy tài liệu này hữu ích trong công việc giáo dục các em, xin giúp chúng tôi trang trải chi phí cho việc biên soạn để chúng tôi có thể tiếp tục cung cấp các tài liệu miễn phí trong tương lai. Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị.


St. John was born in the city of Damascus of a good Christian family. His father Mansur was the representative of the Christians in the court of the Muslim caliph.

When his father died, he became the governor of Damascus. At this time, the emperor made a law which forbade Christians from having statues or pictures of Our Lord and the saints.

St. John Damascene knew the emperor was wrong and joined with many others to defend this tradition. The pope himself asked John to let people know that it was a good thing to have statues and holy pictures. They make us think of Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and the saints.

But the emperor would not give in to the Holy Father. He continued to forbid statues to be put in public places. St. John bravely wrote three letters. He told the emperor to give up his wrong ideas.

The emperor became so angry that he wanted revenge. So he wrote a fake letter from John, which said that John had betrayed the caliph. The caliph was hurt when he read the letter and ordered John's hand that wrote the letter to be chopped off. But Mother Mary appeared and John's cut hand was healed by a miracle.

The caliph then realized that John was telling the truth and asked John to forgive him. But John decided he should resign as governor. He gave away all his money to the poor and became a monk.

He kept writing marvelous books to defend the Catholic religion. At the same time he did all kinds of humble work in the monastery. One day he even went to sell baskets in the streets of Damascus.

People who had known him before made fun of him. The man who had once been the great governor of the city was now selling baskets. Imagine how St. John must have suffered.

But he knew that the money he got from selling baskets would be useful at the monastery. He thought of Jesus, the Son of God, who wanted to be born in a stable and he felt happy to be humble like Jesus.

St. John died a peaceful, happy death in the year 749.


St. Nicholas or Santa Clause is loved by children all over the world and he is especially well known for Christmas giving. This famous saint was born in Asia Minor, which today is called Turkey. After his parents died, he gave all his money to charity.

There are many stories told about kind St. Nicholas.

Once a poor man was about to leave his daughters to a life of evil and sin because he did not have the money to get them married. Nicholas heard about his problem. He went to the man's house at night and tossed a little pouch of gold through a window. This was for the oldest daughter.

He did the same thing for the second daughter and the grateful father kept watch to find out who was being so good to them.

When St. Nicholas came a third time, the man recognized him. He thanked Nicholas over and over again.

St. Nicholas also prayed and brought back to life three young boys who had been killed.

Later St. Nicholas became bishop. He loved justice. It is said that once he saved three men who had been wrongly condemned to death. He then got their accuser to confess that he had been given money to tell lies about the three men and get them into trouble.

He even got thieves to return the goods they had stolen from people.

St. Nicholas died in Myra, and a great basilica was built over his tomb. Many churches were dedicated in his name.

When his remains were brought to Bari, in Italy, this city became a famous shrine for pilgrims from all over Europe.

Nicholas is the patron of sailors and prisoners. Along with St. Andrew, he is also the patron of Russia.


Sabas, one of the most famous monks of Palestine, was born at Mutalaska in Cappadocia. His father was an officer in the army. When the officer was sent to Alexandria, Egypt, he left his eight-year-old son with his brother-in-law.

But his aunt treated him badly, and the unhappy young Sabas ran away to another uncle. Then an argument arose between the two uncles and Sabas felt terrible. He liked to see people at peace.

So he ran away to live in a monastery and his uncles felt ashamed of themselves. They asked Sabas to come back and said they would give him all his property. But by this time, Sabas was very happy in the monastery. He did not want to leave.

Even though he was the youngest monk, he was the most fervent. When he was eighteen, Sabas went to Jerusalem. He wanted to learn to live alone with God.

He was advised to live in another monastery there for a while because he was still young. He obeyed and joyfully did all the hard work. He chopped wood for the fires and carried the heavy jugs of water.

One day, St. Sabas was sent to Alexandria, Egypt, as the traveling companion of another monk. There he saw his father and mother! They pleaded with him to come home with them. They wanted him to enjoy the same honors his father had won.

But Sabas refused. He would not even take the money they tried to give him. Finally he accepted three gold pieces. Then when he got back to the monastery, he gave them to the abbot.

At last, he was able to spend four years completely alone, as he desired. Then he was asked to start a new monastery. Many disciples came to him to learn how to be monks. Before long, he was put in charge of all the monasteries in Palestine.

Sometimes Sabas was sent to the emperor on important Church affairs. Even then, he wore his poor cloth habit, and kept to his hours of prayer. St. Sabas died in 532.


Ambrose was born at Augusta Treverorum in the Roman Empire which today is the town of Trier in Germany.

He was the son of Aurelius Ambrosius the Roman governor of Gaul. When his father died, his mother took her family back to Rome. She and her daughter, St. Marcellina, brought Ambrose up well.

He became an excellent lawyer and was then made governor of Milan and the territory around it. But by a strange event, Ambrose the governor became Ambrose the bishop.

When the Bishop of Milan died, there was a big quarrel between the Arians and the Catholics in the Cathedral about who would become the next bishop. Ambrose quickly went to the Church and gave a speech begging both sides to stop fighting and make peace.

In those days the people used to suggest to the pope the name of the one they would like as bishop. To Ambrose's great surprise, the people of Milan were so impressed with his efforts to make peace that they immediately chose him as bishop.

He tried to escape, but it seemed to be God's will and Ambrose became a priest and then bishop of Milan.

Ambrose was a great model and father to his people. He also resisted all evil with amazing courage. He faced an attacking army and convinced the leader to turn back.

Another time, Emperor Theodosius came from the east. He wanted to save Italy from invaders and asked all his officers to respect the bishop of Milan.

But when this emperor committed a very serious sin, Ambrose immediately told him that he did wrong. He asked Theodosius do public penance. The emperor did not get angry but realized that the saint was right. Very humbly he publicly made penance for his sin.

Ambrose had shown the world that no human being, even if he or she is the Emperor, is higher than the Church and that everyone was the same in the eyes of God.

People were afraid of what would happen to Italy when Ambrose died. When he became sick, they begged him to pray for a longer life.

The saint replied, "I have not behaved myself among you in such a way that I should be ashamed to live longer; nor am I afraid to die, for we have a good Master." Bishop Ambrose died on Good Friday in the year 397.

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